Technology Consulting

keep pace with business demands and fulfill the
promise of advanced analytics
Strategy Consulting

Technology Consulting

Companiesare placing big bets on data analytics as a means to transform their processesand raise their performance. Yet many are struggling to develop theorganizational and IT assets and approaches to keep pace with business demandsand fulfill the promise of advanced analytics

Developing Strategy and Turning It
into Action

Powerful data and analytics

Our Technology Practice works to help clients connect advanced analytics to the technology components they need to collect, manage, and use big data in the most effective way for their business. With the support of our technical specialists and centers of competence, we identify where analytics will make the biggest difference and what IT must do to deliver on that promise. We bring innovative proprietary tools and best-practice approaches tailored by industry.

Unparalleled business insight

By coupling a cutting-edge view of the technology landscape with a focus on business impact, we bridge the gap between data professionals and top management. Through extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of all major industries, functions, and regions, our global network of experts brings holistic perspective to bear on clients’ most pressing challenges

Tangible impact

Whitbread expertise across all core capabilities, we help clients mine the value from tighter linkages between operations and technology, strategy, and organization. We work at all levels of the organization, with equal credibility the C-suite, the back office, and frontline operations. From decades of transformation experience, we understand how to make change happen and keep implementation on track to achieve rapid and enduring impact.

Functional Requirements

We help clients frame their strategic aspirations for big data, map business use cases to technical solutions, design technology architectures and data governance structures, and develop broader organizational capabilities to support analytics across the enterprise. Working with a leading financial services company, we helped transform its fragmented data architecture and create a new data governance structure to lay the foundation for advanced analytics efforts in multiple parts of the business.

Technology Capabilities

From system selection to a fullIT transformation, our professionals bring
deep knowledge and experience to your most complex IT challenges.
IT Strategy Consulting & Road mapping:

Helping clients align their IT strategy with their business objectives, identifying areas for improvement, and developing a roadmap for technology initiatives.

Digital Transformation:

Assistingorganizations in leveraging digital technologies to innovate their business processes, enhance customer experiences, and drive growth.

Enterprise Architecture:

Designing and optimizing the structure and operation of an organization's IT systems to support its current and future needs effectively.

Cloud Computing Services:

Advising on cloud adoption strategies, selecting the right cloud platforms and services, and migrating applications and data to the cloud.

Cybersecurity Consulting:

Assessing security risks, developing security policies and procedures, implementing security technologies, and providing incident response and threat intelligence services.

Data Analytics and Business Intelligence:

Helping organizations collect, manage, and analyze data to derive actionable insights for better decision-making and strategic planning.

Software Development and Integration:

Developingcustom software solutions, integrating disparate systems, and modernizinglegacy applications.

Project Management and Implementation Services

Managing technology projects from initiation to completion, ensuring they are delivered on time, within budget, and meet quality standards.

Change Management:

Supporting organizations in managing the people side of technological change, including training, communication, and stakeholder engagement.

IoT(Internet of Things) Solutions:

Designing and implementing IoT solutions to connect devices, collect data, and enable new capabilities and efficiencies.

ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning) Consulting:

Assisting organizations in selecting, implementing, and optimizing ERP systems to streamline business processes and improve operational efficiency.

Blockchain Consulting:

Advising on the potential applications of blockchain technology, designing and implementing blockchain solutions, and evaluating blockchain platforms and protocols.